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Tricera Bones


While investigating a cookie jar, Tricera Bones found a note written in a weird Elvish language.
But it could be Persian or Russian too.
Maybe even Javanese.


Then it dawned on her that she was holding the note the wrong side up.
It said in English 'Go upstairs.'


The Kid at the Corner of the Stairs is famed for not letting anyone pass without answering a riddle. According to legend, no one has ever been able to answer this riddle. A riddle so hard that people are advised not to even attempt to think of the answer because it would just waste time.
So, Miss Jones just bribed the Kid with a cookie, and he let her pass. 


Upstairs, she was met with a very distraught chicken person.
“CLUCK!! CLUCK!! CLUCK!! CLUCK!!” he says.


Thankfully Miss Jones has a degree on Poultry Literature and understood exactly what he meant.

However, she thought the swearing was unnecessary.


Miss Bones came across a peculiar sight next.

"Greetings Traveler! The only way you can get past this gif is to say the following ten times fast:


'A Goat in a Coat on a Boat that won't Float!' 

So she decided the treasure just might be in her bedroom...


Though the treasure wasn't ever found, Miss Bones found something even better.

A nice warm bed with some cuddly stuffies. 

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