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The Brother Gifs

2020 Gifs:


Avocados are known to have lower pesticides than the average fruit. Hence making it a very healthy choice for a nutritious breakfast. You would think that this fact would attract more pests to the avocado, but it doesn’t.

The doctor decided to hire his pet duck as his hospital nurse. However, he immediately fired her after she called him a quack.


The guy who invented boxing did it out of necessity. He was just so embarrassed watching street fights before its invention.


For National Bubble Gum day, here is a little trivia:
Apparently, ancient Greeks found stress relief by chewing a gummy substance made of raisins.
And some of them found also relief from earthly matters after they blew it up into a bubble.
Happy Bubble Gum day everyone!!!


Texting in the stone age meant, writing your message on a rock and throwing it at the recipient. This was a very popular form of communication among teenagers.
However, the most popular teens were encouraged to wear a helmet.

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