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The Brother Gifs

2019 Gifs:


How to make Tapioca?
Step 1: Tap dance!
Step 2: Not sure....

YOU SHALL NOT PASS........(wind).


Despite the farmers best efforts, Dora the cow wouldn't budge.
She did hear him say "Moo" somewhere but couldn't figure out the context. 


On the same day that Michael Jackson launched his famous Moonwalk on stage, another dance was debuting. 
The Uranus Shake.

To combat the ever increasing gap in learning levels among students, the school of Lazy Solutions created this new strategy.
Have all kids read their books the wrong side up. 
Now nobody learns.

It was after his tenth attempt to pull a rabbit out of the hat, that it occurred to the magician, "Perhaps I should start selling pineapples." 


Footnotes from prehistory: The first novel was actually published in the stone age. But since it came out before language was properly formed, it was rejected by the public.
This is evident from an ancient tablet which reviewed the novel, that simply said "What the UGH is this?" 

Based on the saying “Your eyes are bigger than your stomach,” the School of Lazy Solutions have designed these spectacles to combat overeating. However, it is strongly suggested that they should be worn at the dining table only. 


An interesting find from the sand box this Thursday, when the Professor of the Archaeology Department (Playgrounds Division) unearths this bucket. This bucket is believed to a major building tool for the Sand people. The great Sand civilization is known to have gone extinct from the great ant attack of 22 B.C. 


Footnotes in History: The Sistine Chapel wasn't the first time Michelangelo drew on walls.
However, he didn't receive the acclaim then that he got later in life.
Also he was a big ninja turtles fan. 

After four weeks of regularly eating carrots, the results were astonishing. For four weeks he was disease free, more active and punctual. It also enhanced his eyesight greatly. Now he can clearly see that he is in jail. 

It was in his farm cowshed that Sir William Ramsay had discovered some of the inert gaseous elements in air. When he received the Nobel prize, one of his cows asked for 50 percent. 


Little known fact, Pig Latin was created by a pig, Marcus Porcus who secretly attended Latin classes.
He wanted to integrate it to his swine herd, but nobody knew what the heck he was saying. 


Benjamin Franklinstein was the first person to be able to artificially create life in a laboratory. This however was forgotten because the experiment was conducted on the same day as the famous lightning and key experiment.
And everyone including the creature was focused on the shiny key.


It is believed that after a busy day at the quarries, the caveman would go clubbing all night.


The brother froze!!! There were no forewarning or signs, but it was all crystal clear.
Winter came in early this year.


After an unexpected Avalanche, contestants of the snow shoveling contest were asked to participate in a new game. As a preparation for this, the Olympics committee gave them the book, “A snow shoveler's guide to mountain climbing.”


According to the University of Make Believe, migraines caused when looking at any screen for too long is because you attract a curious little monster that sits on your head to see what you are watching.


At the end of every year many artists feel like they can never finish more work than they would have liked to.
If this thought bothers you, just keep in mind that Leonardo Da Vinci had the same problem.

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