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The Reader Hero


A mild-mannered boy was taking a stroll in the library when suddenly, he was hit by a falling bookshelf.


Since it wasn’t radioactive, he didn’t get any superpowers, but he did feel like reading a lot.

Thus, The Reader was born!!! 


In his first rescue mission the Reader came across someone whose cat was stuck up a tree. In reaction to this, he immediately started reading the book “The Great Times and Happenings of Bob Puss the Cat”.

The owner didn’t get her cat back, but she was very keen to find out more about Bob Puss


Trying to find more techniques for fighting crime, The Reader decided to visit a world-famous weapons specialist. The specialist gave him a book on Guerrilla tactics, which our hero promptly snatched and began reading.


The specialist looked puzzled. He was going to suggest to just throw it at his foes. 


The Paper Eater has been wanted for a while now. He is a terror to newspaper stands and recently has eaten up the entire P section of the school Dictionary.


The Reader is going to have a hard time finding him. After all he is a master of disguise.


It took a while, but The Reader has finally found a great outlet for his reading powers.


Bedtime stories. 

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Samoosa Productions is located out of Ontario, Canada

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