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Park Kid Gifs


The sky is blue, the grass is green, the clouds are scarce and this snail isn't going anywhere... 

....then it finally hit him!
If you are what you eat.....and he just ate a banana....
Then that would make him a ......

2019 Gifs:


Park Wisdom #1:
If a red winged black bird decides to perch in your hair........accept the fact that you are now a nest.


....and then I said, "Well you sir, are a nutcase." 

After over 70 years of leaving behind footprints, Bigfoot has finally retired.
Needless to say, his young replacement (formerly interning at a grape winery), has big shoes to fill. 

Life is like a swing. It can be exciting, scary and at times dull. 
No matter what try not to fall off the swing.


With no other alternative, he went to a doctor. The buzzing noise in his ears was staring to drive him crazy. 

The snails picked up their instruments and left. The conductor was making very unrealistic demands in the tempo for a Snail Orchestra. 

“Egad!”, exclaimed the professor,
“This foot will go well with our collection of footprints to finally put a strong case for the existence of Bigfoot.”


Once an innocent victim of a wedgie, Tighty Whitey Man now roams the school grounds to strike fear in the hearts of bullies everywhere that give wedgies.

King Biscuits proclaimed a reward to any of his kitchen staff who brought him the most delicious food ever. The kitchen potato peeler fantasized about how the king would shower him with gifts once the meal is done. It was not until the 5th stir that he realized that he didn’t know how to cook and that something must be put in the pot. 

Before Alexander Graham Bell invented the first successful telephone, there was another person back in the Neolithic Period that had come pretty darn close. Unfortunately, he gave up when there was no one picking up on the other end.
His name?
Bob B.A Dumbbell 


As the Manager of the Ripped Jeans Factory, he was in a tough spot.
Somehow he could sense that Dominic Bear wouldn’t appreciate the idea of being fired. 

After the beaver engineers had resigned due to low pay, the construction of the tree house was already ten days behind schedule.
When things couldn’t possibly get any worse, the woodpecker carpenter is now requesting time off due to terrible migraines.


The Werewolf was starting to get worried. It was the third midnight in a row where he turned into a toaster. 


One of the most pivotal moments in Stone Age Rock history happened when after their set, the lead Clubber of the UGGHernauts threw down his club and started chipping a rock. 

“Spare me good fisher man,” said the fish.
”..for I am a magic fish and shall grant you three wishes.”

Too bad the fisher man didn’t speak fish.


Due to a drastic change in weather conditions the Yeti Running Race (where you run from the yeti) has been cancelled and the yeti was directed to a near by freezer to cool off.


According to a story he once read, the kid decided to play dead when approached by a potentially dangerous bear. The bear sniffed him, turned around and walked away just as expected. What was unexpected is seeing the bear coming back with a first aid kit.

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