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Animal Gifs


Behold!! The Magnificent Mind Reading Elephant!! Born with an uncanny ability to read your mind and write it down in the comments.
However he wont be doing so today because he has a bit of a cold.

After many pleas, the University of Slowly But Surely (S.B.S) has developed this prototype to combat the consistent speed shaming of its sloth students. 

2019 Gifs:


Owing to increasing shell prices, Herman the hermit crab finds it harder and harder to get a suitable home.
Thankfully shorts are still cheap.


Unfortunately, the instructor had to fail Arnold the Beaver in dam building, but he saw good potential in him for origami. 


A lesser known footnote in history, the invention of paper was actually instigated from the great carrier pigeon strike of 100 BC.
The leader of the Pigeon association P.G. COOper, has stated, that stone tablets have caused way too many work related injuries. 

Joe the baboon was walking to the market to get some bananas, when suddenly he turned around after hearing a child scream. Now he is arrested for indecent exposure to a minor.
Don’t be like Joe. Order your bananas online. 


Breaking news: The following video has been found showing the college years of the three wise monkeys. The monkeys, who for centuries urged people to see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil, has denied the allegations and rejected the authenticity of the video. 

Since childhood, Ashley was taught by her parents how to behave and conduct herself in a civilized human society.
Tonight however, when the spotlight hit her and the music started playing, she just couldn’t help but make an ass of herself.


Research has shown that snails can sleep for over three years. Due to the growing epidemic of insomnia, doctors decided to interview Edwin.B.A.Snail on the secret to their sleeping success.
Unfortunately, they caught him during his nap


It has long been believed that kangaroos don’t get fart jokes. That is until the latest studies conducted by Dr Banana Aperams of Monkey University. He concluded that, its not that they don’t get fart jokes. Kangaroos just don’t have a sense of humor. 

Pig astronomers are few, since its very difficult for a pig to look up at the sky. The ones that remain, credit the beginnings of pig astronomy to Johannes Oinkler. When out of a pure desire to look up at the sky, he stuck his head into a curved PVC pipe. 

Dorian the Raccoon was caught with a potentially stolen chip bag. He insisted that he bought it with change at a nearby vending machine. When asked where he got the change, Dorian replied “Oh I got that from some guys wallet”. 


Sanford the Flamingo was worried about his friend Gary. Ever since he started the “No Shrimp and All Water Lilly” diet, Gary just wasn’t the same.

Bernice the pigeon was very impressed that her friend Bert the owl, could rotate his neck 270 degrees. Feeling inspired and a little bit jealous, she decided to rotate her neck 360 degrees. It didn’t yield the desired result.

When it was time to pay for the grass pudding, Mrs. Kangaroo searched the pouch frantically for her purse but couldn’t find it. Thankfully Mr. Kangaroo wore pants that day and thus had his wallet on him. 


A crow, a chicken and a duck, sat down at a restaurant to have dinner.
Who do you think paid the bill? 

It has been five days since Agent Double Oh CAW disguised himself as a scarecrow to loot the farmers corn field. He was supposed to be helped off his scarecrow get up by another crow agent.
However, the agent was scared away by the scarecrow. 


Emmanuel the Emu liked Oksana the Ostrich. One fine day, Oksana told Emmanuel that she liked him and started pecking him on his cheek. Not knowing what to do, Emmanuel ran off and went straight to his room. He then got on YouTube and searched, “How do you know when a girl likes you?”.


Koala fingerprints have often been mistaken for human fingerprints. Which is why the whole continent of Australia is still on the look out for a very elusive human burglar and no suspicion has fallen on Mr. Huggams, a veteran koala bear from the Hobart Zoo. 

Its popularly known that a T-Rex's arms aren’t very efficient. You can’t scratch your back, lift a cup of tea or shave. But there is one thing that they are very good for.
Doing the Monkey!!!


Mr Polar Bear was miffed. He flew down to Canada, to escape the bitter cold of the north pole. But now he feels like he is back home again.


The 1st Annual Samoosa Winter Olympics kicked off with a grand performance by popular singer Squeak-E. The crowd roared in applause as he sang his latest big hit “I am nuts about you”.

The Kangaroo loaded her pouch with all the great deals she found that day. However, whilst in line for checkout, she suddenly realized that her wallet was at the very bottom of her pouch, and security was starting to get very suspicious.


The prized item was a TV toaster. With only one left on the rack, shoppers yanked, punched, and shoved each other out of the way to get it. In the end Mr. Skunk won after releasing his secret weapon.


After loading his cart with dog treats, Doug the dog marched towards the checkout. However, on his way he saw a Big sale for Balls.
He couldn’t resist. Doug loves balls. 

Mr. Giraffe has been voted employee of the month for the sixth time. This is mostly in recognition of his efforts to help small helpless squirrels reach their nuts. 

Sloths normally do very well on black Fridays. Their secret?
They sleep over by the door of the shopping mall on Thursday night…….. and then wake up early in the morning for Black Friday next year.


Last night the Easter Bunny was caught impersonating Santa Claus. Apparently, he was supposed to take over Santa’s shift this year, but mistakenly set his calendar to the night of December 26th instead of the 24th. 

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